Assets Make Things Possible
Income Makes Things Happen

We design customized and diversified portfolios of income-generating
investments suited to your investment philosophy.

We Think Differently

Investors need a fresh approach to income investing that focuses on meeting their financial needs through interest and dividends, while also achieving the traditional fixed-income goals of asset protection, more stable returns, and diversification.

At Sound Income Strategies, we utilize income-generating investment strategies that work for your individual goals, needs, and risk tolerance.

Why Income?

According to many studies, older Americans’ No. 1 financial fear is that they will outlive their money. The Sound Income Strategies’ approach addresses that fear by greatly reducing the element of chance in your financial planning. The key lies in switching your strategic focus from capital gains, which depend on market growth, to interest and dividends. Why?

Less Risk, More Flexibility

At Sound Income Strategies, we have the knowledge, resources, and  technology to provide institutional-level guidance for everyday investors. How do we do it?

We avoid mutual funds and focus on individual, income-generating securities that can be customized and managed toward your specific needs and goals. Advantages of actively managed individual securities include:

Innovative Solutions

A properly managed, income-oriented portfolio can successfully seek to deliver both short-term income and long-term total return that outperforms the markets and keeps you on track toward your retirement goals — regardless of market conditions.

Take Action

That’s our specialty at Sound Income Strategies. By working together with you and your advisor, we can help you find innovative solutions to today’s market challenges while building a strategy uniquely suited to your retirement goals.
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